

sobota, 30 marca 2013

Practical information

Hotel Campanile VARSOVIE  http://www.campanile-warszawa.pl/en

Towarowa 2, 00-811 Warsaw
Booking: 0 207 519 50 45
Information: +48 22 582 72 00
Fax: +48 22 582 72 01
Email: reservation.warsaw@campanile.com

Premiere Classe VARSOVIE
GPS: 52.2261 N - 20.9897 W
- See more at: http://www.premiere-classe-warszawa.pl/en/access#sthash.rIshnpoD.dpuf
GPS: 52.2261 N - 20.9897 W
- See more at: http://www.premiere-classe-warszawa.pl/en/access#sthash.rIshnpoD.dpuf

Towarowa 2, 00-811 Warsaw
Booking: +33 1 73 21 98 00
Information: +48 22 624 08 00
Fax: +48 22 620 26 29
Email: reservation.warsaw@premiereclasse.com

• Tourist Information +48 194 31
• Public Transport (ZTM) Information +48 194 84
• Municipal Information +48 194 91
• Cultural Information +48 22 629 84 89
• PKP Railway Information +48 194 36
• PKS Bus Information +48 703 40 33 30
• Airport Information +48 22 650 42 20
• Warsaw Medical Information +48 22 827 89 62, +48 800 777 770
• Customs Information Centre +48 801 470 477
*always type the prefix 22 when dialing a five-digit number on a mobile phone

The currency in Poland is the Polish Złoty (PLN) 1 PLN = 100 groszy.
Coins circulate in denominations of 1 PLN, 2 PLN, 5 PLN and 10, 20 and 50 groszy; banknotes are in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 PLN.
In some larger stores, such as hypermarkets, and at some cash-only windows, you can pay in Euros. You must notify the cashier that you will be paying in Euros, but note that it is not a popular currency in Poland yet, and chances are that your change will be given in PLN.

Currency Exchange
Currency should be exchanged at a registered exchange centre. There is no commission for the exchange. Note that cash should not be exchanged on the street or with bystanders.

Transfer of funds
Money can be transferred via Western Union or MoneyGram. Wester Union transfers are executed in selected branches of Bank Pekao SA,  and Bank Spółdzielczy, as well as at some exchange points. The full list of places to do so can be found at: www.westernunion.com.pl
MoneyGram Transfers can be made at Bank BGŻ, the International Currency Exchange, the Postal Bank, Bank BPS and other places where logo 'Moje Przekazy' is located. The full list of places to do so can be found at: www.moneygram.com

Traveller's cheques
Interchange Poland Sp. z o.o.
Al. Jerozolimskie 65/79 (Marriott Hotel, Lim Gallery) tel. +48 22 630 69 52/53
ul. Chmielna 30, tel. +48 22 826 31 69
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 13, tel. +48 22 826 85 36
ul. Krakowskie przedmieście 57/59, tel. +48 22 826 22 29
Travellers cheques: American Express

Currency Express
ul. Żwirki Wigury 1 (Warsaw Fryderyk Chopin Airport, Terminal 2)
Travellers cheques: Visa, Thomas Cook, American Express

Practical information more